The Wayne Technical Fanatics operate three repeaters in Rittman and Akron along with 2 APRS Digipeaters and an APRS iGate. These repeaters are multi-mode digital and do not currently support analog FM.
Learn about these multi-mode digital repeaters here
Frequency: 442.375 MHz +5 Mhz
Analog FM, DSTAR, DMR, and YSF
the repeater does not transcode between modes,
but repeats whatever mode the user transmits
Location: Rittman, OH (Low Profile)
Allstar: Node 43258, FM, PL 131.8Hz
In analog mode use tone squelch (CTCSS) 131.8Hz to
mute digital traffic from the repeater
Digital Status Dashboard
D-Star Settings:
DMR node 310390 on Brandmeister
YSF networked but not linked by default
Note: When entering the D-Star information, convert all underscores _ to spaces. The underscores are used for illustrative purposes only. For example, ‘WW8TF _B’ would be typed “WW8TF<SPACE>B”.
Frequency: 442.5125 MHz +5 Mhz
Location: Norton Ohio
PL/CTCSS: 110.9 Hz
Allstar Node: 50815
XRF330 Reflector
The club also runs the DSTAR XRF330 reflector as part of The Megalink Network Project. The reflector supports Modules A through Z. Module C is the default module for the WTF repeaters. Module A is the default for SARA and WARC repeaters. The reflector is available via DExtra as XRF330[A-Z] and DCS as DCS330[A-Z] (and XLX330[A-Z] for Pi-Star 4). The reflector is also available via DPLUS as REF330 for appropriately-configured Icom gateways. Use of the DCS protocol is strongly recommended.
In your radio, you’ll connect by:
RPT1: [your repeater/hotspot call and port]
RPT2: [your repeater/hotspot call and G]
for example fill in your own callsign and pad with spaces as needed to 8 characters:
RPT1: N8CD _ _ _ B
RPT2: N8CD _ _ _ G
Then once connected switch back to UR: CQCQCQ and you’ll be on the reflector.