KE8LDH Problems

The KE8LDH repeater in Akron is currently having problems with the receive radio. A new radio is being prepared and should be installed in a few weeks. Consider the site down under further notice. Please note that the transmit radio still works and you can still hear traffic on that…

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WW8TF/Rover Score

The following is the claimed but not official score WW8TF/Rover submitted to the contest: Total Points Claimed: 29,575 Here’s how that breaks down: Station Call: WW8TF/Rover Hours Operated: 6 QSO Points: 985 QSO Points * Counties (15) * 2 Rover: 29,550 Add 25 Rover Bonus Points: 29,575

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Repeater conversions

The Wayne Technical Fanatics has converted 3 local repeaters to multimode digital voice systems. All 3 repeaters will support DSTAR (settings below), DMR on Brandmeister, and C4FM/YSF with WIRES-X linking. 442.7375 +5.000 (on the air now)Status: Brandmeister: 310451, CC1, KE8LDGDSTAR settingsUR: CQCQCQRPT1: KE8LDG  BRPT2: KE8LDG  G 442.5125 +5.000 (on…

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