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More XLX330 Changes
XLX330 Transcoding Stabilized
After a long, hard slog against what is obviously a first-world problem, the stability problems with the XLX330 reflector’s transcoding has been resolved. Back in June, we started having problems with XLX330 being stable. It was originally moved from his home at the repeater site due to heat. And since…
More Updates – Transcoding Reflector
Building an APRS IGate
WW8TF-15 Converted to 2-Way iGate
Updates to the Transcoding Reflector
DR-1X Repeater Mods for Analog + Allstar
This is the second in a series of three planned articles discussing the modification of Yaesu DR-1X repeaters for solid, link-ready analog FM or as a multi-mode digital voice repeater. The planned articles are: Yaesu DR-1X Repeater Modifications: Common Concerns DR-1X Repeater Mods for Analog + Allstar DR-1X Repeater Mods…