DR-1X Repeater Mods for Analog + Allstar

This is the second in a series of three planned articles discussing the modification of Yaesu DR-1X repeaters for solid, link-ready analog FM or as a multi-mode digital voice repeater. The planned articles are: Yaesu DR-1X Repeater Modifications: Common Concerns DR-1X Repeater Mods for Analog + Allstar DR-1X Repeater Mods…

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Ohio Simplex 2020 Rove Results

The video below takes advantage of stereo audio – you can play it fine on your phone but it will sound better with headphones or PC speakers, Update 1/17/2020: Audio recordings of the contest are now available here. Note: This is the first-run provisional score before double-checking and validation. Total…

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KE8LDH Repaired

KE8LDH is repaired and back on the air as of November 9, 2019. At least the preamp and possibly the RX radio both had issues. The preamp was removed for rebuild and the radio was replaced. The system is back online. Output is 18W into the duplexer with the new…

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KE8LDH Problems

The KE8LDH repeater in Akron is currently having problems with the receive radio. A new radio is being prepared and should be installed in a few weeks. Consider the site down under further notice. Please note that the transmit radio still works and you can still hear traffic on that…

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WW8TF/Rover Score

The following is the claimed but not official score WW8TF/Rover submitted to the contest: Total Points Claimed: 29,575 Here’s how that breaks down: Station Call: WW8TF/Rover Hours Operated: 6 QSO Points: 985 QSO Points * Counties (15) * 2 Rover: 29,550 Add 25 Rover Bonus Points: 29,575

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