WW8TF-15 Converted to 2-Way iGate

WW8TF-15 has been converted from a one-way relay iGate to a two-way iGate. Currently the iGate will only relay “message”-class items from the Internet to the APRS digipeaters but that will be expanded to a few other classes in the near future. It will relay all item classes from the…

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Updates to the Transcoding Reflector

rosetta stone next to a raspberry pi board

Back in March, the build and configuration of the XLX330 reflector was discussed in depth. Since then, to keep costs down (i.e. more AMBE dongles), we’ve made some small adjustments. We decided to add transcoding with Brandmeister DMR due to the surge in interest in the Wooster area in DMR….

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DR-1X Repeater Mods for Analog + Allstar

This is the second in a series of three planned articles discussing the modification of Yaesu DR-1X repeaters for solid, link-ready analog FM or as a multi-mode digital voice repeater. The planned articles are: Yaesu DR-1X Repeater Modifications: Common Concerns DR-1X Repeater Mods for Analog + Allstar DR-1X Repeater Mods…

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Ohio Simplex 2020 Rove Results

The video below takes advantage of stereo audio – you can play it fine on your phone but it will sound better with headphones or PC speakers, Update 1/17/2020: Audio recordings of the contest are now available here. Note: This is the first-run provisional score before double-checking and validation. Total…

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